Cris Duncan - Moving Forward

“Talent will take you where character cannot sustain you.”

Cris Duncan presses on despite the various challenges that come his way.

“Everyday we have a choice, a positive choice and a negative choice.”

0:40 - Mr. President

2:57 - What We Don’t Know

5:53 - The Top Dog

9:06 - Importance of TPPA

16:31 - Image Competition

22:20 - Moving Forward

31:11 - A C+ Student

“I don’t think the chasm is that big between not knowing anything and knowing enough.”

Cris and Deanna Duncan have a passion for people. Their greatest joy comes in seeing others succeed. Cris is often labeled “Mr. CPP” as he is only one of a few PPA (Professional Photographers of America) approved CPP instructors and he often brags about his students’ passage rates. He’s the geek that loves the technical side of photography and his humor, wit and eye for detail have earned him a spot as an International Print Competition (IPC) juror. To balance Cris, Deanna brings the “softer” side of photography, but she geeks out on understanding personalties and bringing them out in front of the camera.

When not traveling the country teaching, Cris and Deanna are at home in Lubbock, Texas operating C j Duncan Photography where they specialize in family, senior and commercial photography. In their 18 year career the Duncan’s have photographed numerous portraits, weddings, commercial assignments and even two Presidents. Cris currently serves at the President of the Texas Professional Photographers Assoc. The Duncans’ are both Master Photographic Craftsmen, CPPs and the founders of Find Your Focus Photographic Education and have one daughter.

“You’re not the only person going through what you’re going through.”