Bryan Caporicci - Wandering With Purpose


“What skill set do you have that can make you money?”

Bryan Caporicci talks about making lemonade out of the lemons so many of us have on our plates right now.

“I think this is the big game changer for our industry.”

1:32 - About Bryan

3:20 - Thinning The Herd

6:33 - Wandering With Purpose

18:09 - Contingency Plans

22:23 - Finding Bryan

“There’s so many businesses that are having to pivot.”

Bryan Caporicci is an award-winning wedding and portrait photographer based out of Fonthill, Canada. In 2014, he was awarded his Masters of Photographic Arts (MPA) designation by the Professional Photographers of Canada (PPOC), making him one of the youngest Canadian photographers to receive this level of achievement.

Bryan is the host of the Business of Photography Podcast with over 2 million downloads. He teaches at workshops across North America, including industry-leading conventions and conferences such as WPPI, Shutterfest and Canada Photo Convention. Bryan is also the CEO and Founder of Sprout Studio.

“What can I do that makes me unique? What other business could I help?”