Jared Platt - The Process of Improvement


“At some point, everybody was terrible.”

Jared Platt has no interest in softening the edges around the fact that at some point, everybody is bad at something even when they think they are good; but he’s also more than willing to unpack what it takes to be great.

“The essence of greatness is enough humility to recognize that you have to practice intensely to get great at what you’re doing.”

1:09 - Other Options

3:00 - Talk Three

5:43 - 10-Second Versions

7:39 - Zion, Lebron, and Larry

11:36 - The Essence

13:41 - 6 years

16:26 - Useless Emotions

20:53 - Cabel and Thomas

23:30 - Taking Stock and a Story

27:45 - Accepting Rejection and Criticism

31:01 - Self-Deception

33:48 - Rising Up

39:22 - Overcompensation

49:08 - What Makes Being Great Special

53:02 - A Commendation

56:58 - Knowing and Doing

“Someone can actually become great at something only when they know they’re not.”

Jared Platt is an international wedding, lifestyle and portrait photographer and photographic lecturer.  Jared began his studies in photography in documentary and landscapes, but today you will find his images are a perfect blend of the three genres, landscape, documentary, and portraiture.  You can find him teaching photography, lighting and photo editing at online and at International photo conferences around the globe.  Jared has been teaching photography and consulting photographers and the industry for over 20 years and has been a working photographer for the last quarter century.  Jared will change your understanding of photography and put you on the path to your very best work.  Don’t miss the opportunity to learn from him whenever you get the chance.

“When you try to do stuff on your own, you don’t get very far very fast.”