Gary Box - The Conglomerate

Gary Box in 1st Grade

Gary Box in 1st Grade

“I learned that there was a higher level of customer than I could ever perceive coming from very humble, modest beginnings.”

Gary Box is all about the fundamentals but he also knows that sometimes you gotta break rules. He just focuses on how to do that well.

“I believe in never overselling someone nor underselling them.”

1:06 - Humble Beginnings

6:46 - Opportunity

8:43 - Fundamentals Then and Now

14:00 - How Do You Know?

16:19 - The Core

21:19 - What is Lacking?

25:43 - 50/50

29:07 - Most Proud Of

31:10 - Learning From Mistakes

34:25 - Finding Gary’s Stuff

“I am a conglomerate of all these amazing sources put together.”

Gary Box has been a full time professional photographer for 30 years in Sapulpa OK, near Tulsa. Gary has run the scope of different business models from higher volume (1100 sessions a year) to medium volume and now lower volume (200 sessions a year) higher dollar. Currently averaging over $3000 on seniors

Gary has dedicated a great deal of time helping photographers grow their businesses and better their craft over the past 25 years. From lighting to sales, he wants to see how he can help you grow.

“If you are not actively marketing and promoting your business, you are dying.”